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see this video of how to increase the duration of intercourse

 this video ، I want to show you how i took my self from being able to last only 10 seconds in bed to having full control over my orgasms and being able to last over 30 minutes in bed consistently

The way Johnson and his wife in the treatment of premature ejaculation - video

Rather than merely stopping stimulation to the penis, the man’s partner gently squeezes the frenum of the penis (the strip of skin connecting the glans to the shaft on the underside of the penis) until the man loses his urge to ejaculate. Because the start-stop technique is usually effective, the squeeze technique isn’t as commonly used. Another useful aid in controlling premature ejaculation can be the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle, which, when squeezed, has a similar effect to the woman squeezing the base of the penis. The first thing you have to do is find this muscle. Put a finger behind your testicles. Pretend that you’re going to urinate and then stop yourself. You’ll feel a muscle tighten, and that’s your PC muscle. If you exercise this muscle regularly, by squeezing it in sets of ten, it will get stronger, and you can then use it to help control your ejaculations

Problems and Solutions ED for women

There are many problems that can keep a woman from enjoying sex. They include Lack of libido The inability to become aroused Lack of orgasm or sexual climax Painful intercourse It may be the reasons for these problems are physical or psychological. The causes can include physical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, neurological disorders, or hormone problems. Some medications can also affect desire and function. And can include psychological causes of work-related stress and anxiety. It can also include depression or concerns about marriage or relationship problems. For some women, the problem results from past sexual trauma. Sometimes problems with sexual function are common. If the problems persist for more than a few months or a narrow cause you or your partner, you should see a health care provider of your. Treatment : Tests and ProceduresSex therapy   Therapeutic Use of Androgens in Women Healthy Sexuality - vidio